Livestock Gender Regulation

What is Livestock Gender Regulation

Principles of
Sperm Coagulation

The gender-regulating protein for livestocks selectively binds to and coagulates sperms.
The mobility of coagulated sperms is inhibited, thereby hindering the insemination of eggs.
The non-coagulated sperms move normally and fertilize eggs to produce livestocks of desired gender.

Principles of Sperm Coagulation

정자 응집 원리

Coagulated Sperms

정자 응집 원리

Principles of
Producing Females

The gender-regulating protein only binds to and coagulates male-producing Y-sperms.
The X-sperms fertilize eggs inside uterus after artificial insemination and produce female livestocks.

암컷 생산원리

Principles of
Producing Males

The protein bound to Y-sperms enhances the mobility of Y-sperms.
The male-producing Y-sperms meet with eggs quicker than X-sperms and fertilize.

수컷 생산원리

Efficacy of
Whole Mom & Whole Man
Gender Regulator

Gender Regulating Efficiency (Cow ratio)

성 조절 효율 (암소 생산 비율)

Gender Regulating Efficiency (Sow ratio)

성 조절 효율 (암퇘지 생산 비율)

Necessity of Livestock
Gender Regulation

  • Cow Farms
    • Rapid increase in farm breeding population through cow production
    • Maintain a consistent breeding population through stable production of excellent cow candidate livestocks
    • Milk production through high-producing cow breeding and high-producing beef cattle production
    • Reduction of feeding and management cost through breeding and raising high-producing cows
    • Maximization of management efficiency and profit through planned reproduction and breeding
    • Enhancement of livestock improvement speed through mass breeding of excellent cows
    • Secure large number of high-producing cattle in a short period of time using inseminated egg transplantation technology (OPU/IVF)
  • Pig Farms
    • Breeding pig farms maximize profits by reducing feed and management costs through high-producing sow roduction
    • General pig farms produce profit through pork carcass prices and selective production of highly preferred sows
    • Castration cost from boar production is reduced
  • Goat and Sheep Farms
    • Expansion of farm breeding scale through mass breeding of milk goats
    • Retain large quantities of excellent milk goats through improvement of milk goat breeds
    • Commercialization and profit gain through mass production of goat milk
  • Horse Farms
    • Safe mass breeding and population retain of mares for riding horses
    • Quick expansion of horse breeding population using frozen semen and artificial insemination technology

Importance of Livestock Gender Regulation

  • Importance of Gender Regulation (Cows)
    • Breed improvement period is reduced by over 50%
    • Breeding farms can produce high profits through planned cow production
    • Breeding cost is reduced and productivity is maximized through systemized breeding
    • Excellent gene pool is procured through mass-breeding of excellent cows
    • Costs including undesired feeding are reduced through planned cow production
  • Crises of Livestock Industry and Strategies
    Categories Crises Measures
    • Secure mass-production technology for high-producing cows
    • Obtain qualitative competency in beef through cow improvement
    • Fortify price competency through production of high-quality beef
    • Differentiating strategies through branding and functional meat production
    • Cost-saving through exclusion of cows with low-quantitative traits
    • Cost-saving through development of novel feed formulation
    • Cost-saving through scale enhancement of breeding
    • Cost-saving through digitalization of specification management
    • Development of breeding technology for mass-producing cows with excellent traits
    • Development of technologies for breeding and pregnancy rate improvement

Features of Livestock Improvement Determining Genetic Traits

  • The key objectives of livestock profit, quantitative traits (milk quantity and body weight), are regulated with various genes
  • Environmental factors are highly influential
  • Excellent seeds and fertile land are key to the production of excellent livestocks
  • Excellent qualitative traits can be secured by breeding bulls and cows of excellent genes
Comparisons of Qualitative vs Quantitative Traits
Categories Qualitative Traits Quantitative Traits
Trait Categories (Characteristics) Type Improvements
Number of Involved Genes Few(1~3) Many, polygene
Environmental Influences None or small Large
Mutations in Segregating Generations Discontinuous Mutations Continuous Mutations
Examples Color, Directivity, etc. Weight, Height, Yield potential, Offspring period, etc (most major agricultural traits)
질적형질과 양적형질의 비교